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Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes by Laura Rountree Smith
page 39 of 80 (48%)

"Who will visit us to-day?"

The mirror answered,

"Bushy-Tail is on his way."

Snubby Nose said, "What fun it is to have the mirror talk. Come, let us
bolt the doors and windows. We will not let Bushy-Tail in."

They danced again before the mirror and sang,

"We're locked in safely, that we know,"

The mirror said,

"Down the chimney he can go."

Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes said, "Oh" and "Ah," and "Oh" and "Ah." "We
never thought of the chimney! What shall we do with the chimney?"

They built a roaring fire, and none too soon, for they could hear the
"patter, patter, patter" of feet upon the roof.

Bushy-Tail climbed down from the roof. He looked in at the window and
said, "Please let me in, please let me in."

Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes sat as still as they could in their little
chairs by the fire and never winked an eyelash.

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