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Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes by Laura Rountree Smith
page 40 of 80 (50%)
Bushy-Tail said, "Let me in or I will come down the chimney, fire or no

Then Snubby Nose coughed and Tippy Toes sneezed.

Bushy-Tail climbed the roof once more. Out came the smoke in great
puffs. He gave it up and then went away down the path growling every
step of the way.

All this time Bunny and Susan were coming nearer every minute. They
said, "What if we should meet Bushy-Tail?"

In less time than it takes to tell it, Bushy-Tail came down the bend of
the road scolding and waving his beautiful tail to and fro.

He howled, "Bring out Snubby Nose, bring out Tippy Toes or _I will
eat you up_."

I do not know what in the world would have happened if Grandpa Grumbles
had not come sailing along just then. He came sailing down in his green
cotton umbrella and said, looking hard at Bushy-Tail,

"Jump inside and have a ride,
There's room for you and me beside."

Bushy-Tail jumped into the umbrella. He was pleased you may be sure.
They rode away, and away, and away, over houses, over tree-tops, and
over a big blue lake. Then they began to sail slowly down, down, down.

Bushy-Tail said, "Oh, Grandpa Grumbles, don't land us in the lake! Oh,
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