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Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes by Laura Rountree Smith
page 41 of 80 (51%)
Grandpa Grumbles, look out what you are doing!"

Grandpa Grumbles then said loudly,

"Speak into my better ear,
I am so deaf I cannot hear."

Bushy-Tail cried out as loud as he could, "Oh, Grandpa Grumbles, we are
going down into the lake! Look out, look out! We shall be drowned!"

Grandpa Grumbles shouted,

"Speak a little louder, please,
Shall we sail above the trees?"

Bushy-Tail got so excited he did not know what he was doing. He got
right out of the umbrella and went splash, dash, into the lake.


Grandpa Grumbles, as he sailed homeward, said,

"Sink or swim, just as you please,
For I have no desire to tease."

He left poor Bushy-Tail to swim to shore.

When Grandpa Grumbles got home he saw smoke coming out of his chimney.
He grumbled,

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