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Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes by Laura Rountree Smith
page 42 of 80 (52%)
"It seems to me quite like a bore,
To have to enter by the door."

He was so used to sailing down the chimney!

The door opened for him and there stood Bunny and Susan. Snubby Nose
and Tippy Toes danced up to him and told him how Bushy-Tail had tried
to get in.

Grandpa Grumbles shook his green umbrella fiercely and said,

"He will not come this way again,
Either in sunshine or in rain."

Then Bunny and Susan and Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes begged Grandpa
Grumbles to tell what had become of Bushy-Tail, but Grandpa Grumbles
would only say,

"I am so deaf 'tis hard to hear,
Come, speak a little louder, dear."

Then Bunny spoke into his right ear, and Susan spoke into his left ear,
and asked him to tell where he had left Bushy-Tail.

Grandpa Grumbles shook his head and said,

"Bunny and Susan, what do you say?
I am so old and deaf to-day."

Then Snubby Nose cried into his right ear, and Tippy Toes cried into
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