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Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes by Laura Rountree Smith
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snowdrift. Bunny said, "You dear little fellow, how did you get stuck
fast in the snowdrift?"

Susan looked hard over her spectacles and said, "Why, it is our own
dear grandchild, Snubby Nose."

Then Snubby Nose cried and he screamed and he howled! Bunny Cotton-Tail
shoveled as fast as he could, and in sixteen minutes he had Snubby Nose
out of the snowdrift. Susan put him in the wheelbarrow and wheeled him
to the house. All the time Snubby Nose cried and he screamed and he

Susan said, "Go and get the big tub and we will give Snubby Nose a hot

Bunny got the tub and some warm water and he and Susan gave Snubby Nose
a hot bath. They rubbed him dry with a soft towel, and all the time
Snubby Nose cried and he screamed and he howled!

Just at this very minute Grandpa Grumbles came in shaking the snow off
his fur and whiskers. He shook his green cotton umbrella. He came in

"It's noisy here, I do declare,
I just came out to take the air."

Snubby Nose stopped his noise and stared at Grandpa Grumbles. Bunny and
Susan said, "Sit down by the fire, Grandpa, and warm your paws."
Grandpa Grumbles sat down.

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