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Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes by Laura Rountree Smith
page 5 of 80 (06%)
Snubby Nose cried, "Grandpa Grumbles, tell us a story, please tell us a

Bunny Cotton-Tail said, in a whisper, "Please don't mention

Susan Cotton-Tail said, "Please don't mention _snowdrifts_."

Grandpa Grumbles was wet and cold, so he grumbled right out loud, "I
will tell about as many _noses_ and _snowdrifts_ as I please
in this story!" Then Snubby Nose cried and he screamed and he howled!

Susan took him up in her arms. She carried him to bed and sang him a
nonsense song. By and by Snubby Nose fell asleep. Susan went back
downstairs and found Grandpa Grumbles asleep by the fire.

Bunny said, "I wonder what makes him grumble so much?"

Susan said, "T wonder what happened to Snubby Nose. He has such a funny
little nose!"

_Then the most surprising thing happened!_

As they sat talking, "thump, bump" was heard, and Snubby Nose fell down
stairs! He fell right on his ugly little nose and broke it!

"Get the camphor! Get the smelling salts! Help, help!" cried Bunny and

Grandpa Grumbles woke, up and cried,
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