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Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes by Laura Rountree Smith
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"Someone has a sad mishap,
Just when I try to take a nap."

I do not know what in the world they would have done if Doctor
Cotton-Tail had not come in that very minute. He came in to dry his fur and

He set Snubby Nose's little ugly nose and said, "It will not look very
pretty, but perhaps it did not look pretty before. You must wear a pink
wrapper, and drink tea out of a pink cup, and eat pink wintergreen

Snubby Nose liked the idea of wintergreen candy. He hugged Doctor
Cotton-Tail and stopped crying at once.

Susan got a pink wrapper and got a pink china cup for his tea. Grandpa
Grumbles felt in his overcoat pocket and took out sixteen pieces of
Wintergreen candy. It was pink wintergreen candy of course!

Susan said to Doctor Cotton-Tail, "How did you happen to come out in
this big snowstorm?"

Doctor Cotton-Tail said, "I had a call to make, I was going to visit--"

Just then Susan began to sneeze. She sneezed so hard she nearly sneezed
her head off!

Doctor Cotton-Tail said,

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