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Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes by Laura Rountree Smith
page 44 of 80 (55%)

Tippy Toes was the first down stairs after Grandpa Grumbles. He danced
this way and he danced that way, and set the table for breakfast.

Grandpa Grumbles had a fine breakfast ready. They all sat down except
Snubby Nose. Grandpa Grumbles said,

"Where is Snubby Nose? 'tis plain,
He must have gone to sleep again."

Now, what do you suppose happened next? Grandpa Grumbles went upstairs
and took Snubby Nose by the feet and dragged him out of bed. He made
him dress in a hurry and come down to breakfast! All the time Snubby
Nose cried and he screamed and he howled!

Bunny and Susan and Grandpa Grumbles soon finished their breakfast.
They went for a walk but Tippy Toes sat at the table and said, "Oh,
Snubby Nose, why do you cry so much? I have just as ugly a nose as you

Then Snubby Nose stopped crying. He stared at Tippy Toes. Sure enough,
Tippy Toes had a very ugly nose.

Snubby Nose shouted, "Pass me the cream! Pass me the butter! Pass me
the bread! Can't you see I am starving?"

The mirror spoke up suddenly,

"Snubby Nose it's no use to tease,
You might say, 'Thank you,' and 'if you please.'"
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