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Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes by Laura Rountree Smith
page 45 of 80 (56%)

Tippy Toes slipped down from his chair and ran out after Bunny and

Snubby Nose cried and he screamed and he howled! He reached for the
sugar bowl and it sailed away in the air! He reached for the bread and
butter but they went farther out of his reach. He was very hungry and
he cried and he screamed and he howled, but there was no one to answer
him. By and by he danced before the mirror and said,

"Mirror, mirror, I'll be good,
And speak politely as I should."

The mirror said,

"If you say, 'Thank you' I suppose,
You'll be loved like Tippy Toes."

_Then the most surprising thing happened!_

Snubby Nose said, "Thank you for a bowl of milk." The milk stood at his
plate. Then he said, "Thank you for cookies and sugar and pie." The
cookies and sugar and pie stood by his plate. He had never had so much
fun before in all his life. He kept on ordering things and they came
before him.

By and by Snubby Nose cleared off the table and washed the dishes,
saying over and over,

"I must forget to try to tease,
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