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Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes by Laura Rountree Smith
page 46 of 80 (57%)
I will say, 'Thank you' and 'If you Please.'"

At this very minute in came the Seventeen Little Bears. They cried,

"Hurrah, hurrah, old Snubby Nose!
What has happened, do you suppose?"

Snubby Nose made a low bow and said, "If you please I should like to
know what has happened."

The Seventeen Little Bears stared at Snubby Nose. They had never seen
him so polite before.

They said, "We met Bunny and Susan and Grandpa Grumbles and they said
we could go up in the garret and get skates and go skating."

No sooner said than done. Up to the garret danced the Seventeen Little
Bears. They found seventeen pairs of skates and danced out again.

Snubby Nose was left alone in the house. He forgot to be polite. He
cried and he screamed and he howled!

The mirror said,

"If you're polite, as you should be,
Perhaps a pair of skates you'll see."

Snubby Nose looked about the house. He looked high and low, but he
could not find any skates. He rubbed his eyes and he rubbed his little
red nose. He put on his cap and mittens and went to the pond. Tippy
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