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Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes by Laura Rountree Smith
page 47 of 80 (58%)
Toes came to meet him. He had two pairs of skates and cried,

"Where were you so long, goodness knows,
Here are your skates. Come Snubby Nose."

He kissed Snubby Nose on both cheeks.

The Seventeen Little Bears sat on the bank trying to fasten their
skates. Their little paws got colder and colder every minute. Snubby
Nose helped them fasten their skates and Tippy Toes helped them too.
Then they put on their own skates and went skating away, and away, and

By and by Bunny and Susan said,

"'Tis rather sad now to relate,
We are too old and stiff to skate.'"

Grandpa Grumbles said,

"Chilly business this sport I think,
Let's go roller-skating in a rink."

Bunny and Susan said they must really go home and Grandpa Grumbles said
he, too, would go to his own home.

He shouted to the Seventeen Little Bears,

"Don't skate where the ice is thin,
You'll make a hole and tumble in."
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