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Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes by Laura Rountree Smith
page 48 of 80 (60%)

The Seventeen Little Bears skated on and on, the wind whistling in
their ears.

Snubby Nose said to Tippy Toes, "What if the Seventeen Little Bears
should fall into the water, what would we do?"

Tippy Toes said, "The wind blows so hard they cannot hear. I hope they
know where the ice is thin."

The Seventeen Little Bears formed a circle and skated round. Suddenly
the ice gave way. Splash, dash, they all fell into the water!

Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes danced this way, and they danced that way,
and shouted, "Help, help, help! The Seventeen Little Bears have fallen
into the water!"

Doctor Cotton-Tail was riding by in his sleigh. He said, "Come, we will
pull them out of the water." So they all helped pull the Seventeen
Little Bears out of the water.

Doctor Cotton-Tail said, "I will tuck them in my sleigh and take them
to Bunny and Susan. They will tuck them up warm in bed."


Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes hung on to the back of the sleigh and they
went whizzing merrily homeward, the wind whistling in their ears. The
Seventeen Little Bears sneezed all the way.

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