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Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes by Laura Rountree Smith
page 54 of 80 (67%)
"If I were little and young and gay,
I'd sail away for a year and a day."

The Seventeen Little Bears shouted, "Please tell us about the Toy

Grandpa Grumbles shook his umbrella. Out fell a little rocking horse.
He shook it again. Out fell a horn. He shook it again. Out fell a drum.

The Seventeen Little Bears shouted, "Hurrah, hurrah! It is really true,
Grandpa Grumbles, you are going to open a Toy Shop."

Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes and the Seventeen Little Bears did not know
whether Grandpa Grumbles was teasing or not. They did not know if he
meant to open a real Toy Shop.

The Seventeen Little Bears said, "Will you tell us the whole story


The Seventeen Little Bears still had to stay in bed next day. Snubby
Nose and Tippy Toes danced about the room and cried, "Grandpa Grumbles,
do tell us the story of the Toy Shop!"

Grandpa Grumbles came upstairs leaning on his green cotton umbrella. He
coughed six times and then he sat down in the rocking-chair by the
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