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Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes by Laura Rountree Smith
page 55 of 80 (68%)
Window. He said, "The story of the Toy Shop begins with a question."

The Seventeen Little Bears clapped their paws and shouted, "Hear, hear,
the story is going to begin!"

Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes danced this way, and danced that way, and
cried, "Hear, hear, the story is going to begin!"

_Then the most surprising thing happened!_

Grandpa Grumbles pointed his green cotton umbrella at Snubby Nose and
asked, "Which of your toys did you break first at Christmas?"

Snubby Nose could not remember, so he cried and he screamed and he

Grandpa Grumbles said, "I cannot begin this story until I have nineteen
questions answered."

Tippy Toes said, "Grandpa Grumbles, I can tell you which toy I broke
first, I broke my little rocking-horse."

Then Snubby Nose shouted, "I broke my rocking-horse too."

Grandpa Grumbles pointed to the First Little Bear and said, "Which toy
did you break first?"

The First Little Bear said, "I broke my little red drum."

Then the Seventeen Little Bears all held up their paws and said, "Let
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