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Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes by Laura Rountree Smith
page 56 of 80 (70%)
me tell, let me tell next which toy I broke at Christmas!"

Now, will you believe it? They all made such a noise that Grandpa
Grumbles could not sit still another minute. He went downstairs shaking
his green cotton umbrella, fiercely, and grumbling to himself as he

The Seventeen Little Bears cried, "Oh, come back and tell the story! We
will be good."

Then Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes danced downstairs and said. "We will,
be good, indeed we will be good."

Grandpa Grumbles still looked very cross. He grumbled,

"Speak into my other ear,
'Tis very hard indeed to hear."

Then Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes shouted into his other ear, "Please
come back upstairs and tell us about the Toy Shop. We will be good,
indeed we will."

Grandpa Grumbles said,

"Speak a little louder, please,
If you do not want to tease."

Bunny and Susan saw that something must be done to make Grandpa
Grumbles happy again, so Susan made a bowl of fine soup for him, and
Grandpa Grumbles drew up to the table. He said,
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