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Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes by Laura Rountree Smith
page 58 of 80 (72%)
"Rap-a-tap," sounded on the door, "Rap-a-tap."

Bunny took the candle and went to the door. There stood Doctor

He said, "Good evening, how are the Seventeen Little Bears? I heard
they fell in the water!"

The Seventeen Little Bears stuffed their little paws into their mouths
to keep from laughing, for they felt as well as ever, sitting before
the fire in their little red wrappers.

Doctor Cotton-Tail took a seat by the fire and began to warm his paws,
first one paw and then the other.

"Chilly spring weather, but most time to make garden," he said.

"Chilly weather," said Bunny Cotton-Tail.

"Chilly weather," said Susan.

_Then the most surprising thing happened_!

Grandpa Grumbles shook his green cotton umbrella and out came flower
seeds falling everywhere. The Seventeen Little Bears scrambled to pick
them up.

"Who will make your garden?" asked Doctor Cotton-Tail, looking at Bunny
and Susan.

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