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Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes by Laura Rountree Smith
page 59 of 80 (73%)
Bunny and Susan said, "We do not know, we are too old and stiff to make
a garden."

"You will miss the turnips and cabbages," said Doctor Cotton-Tail.
Then he added,

"I came in a wagon, and as the Seventeen Little Bears are quite well,
I can take them home."

Then the Seventeen Little Bears began to weep loud and long. They wept
into their seventeen little pocket handkerchiefs.

Bunny and Susan said, "Never mind, dears, you can come to visit us

Soon the Seventeen Little Bears were tucked safely into the wagon and
Doctor Cotton-Tail took them home.

"Bless my buttons," said Susan, "you did not finish your story Grandpa

"My fur and whiskers," said Bunny, "I should like to visit your Toy

Grandpa Grumbles said,

"At night I always shake my head,
'Tis time for all to go to bed."

The Cotton-Tail family knew that it was no use to tease, so they went
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