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Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes by Laura Rountree Smith
page 60 of 80 (75%)
merrily to bed.

Snubby Nose set his little alarm clock. He set it at four o'clock in
the morning. He said, kissing Tippy Toes good night, "We must get up
early in the morning and make a garden for Bunny and Susan."


"Tinkle, tinkle" went the alarm clock next morning. Snubby Nose put his
paw on it so it would not ring too loudly. He whispered to Tippy Toes,
"Get up, it is time to make the garden."

They took the seeds Grandpa Grumbles had thrown from his umbrella. They
planted the seeds in even rows. They worked so fast, they had the
garden planted and were back in bed by eight o'clock.

Grandpa Grumbles woke up next. He went downstairs and out of doors. He
saw a little garden all planted in even rows. He shook his green cotton
umbrella and said,

"Radishes it is time to grow,
For spring has come again you know."

_Then the most surprising thing happened!_

The radishes began to peep up and show their little green heads.

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