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Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes by Laura Rountree Smith
page 64 of 80 (80%)
They did not know whether to go east any longer or not. They hid behind
some bushes by the roadside, and all the while the sound of the band
came nearer and nearer. All the while the lion roared louder and
louder. They peeped through the branches. Soon the Circus Cotton-Tails
came in view.


Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes danced out of their hiding places and cried,
"Hurrah for the Circus Cotton-Tails! They have formed a real little

There was the band wagon. There were the elephants and camels. There
were the animals in cages.

The Circus Cotton-Tails cried, "Hurrah, hurrah! Here are Snubby Nose
and Tippy Toes. Come and join the Big Parade."

Bunny Bright Eyes said, "Can you walk a tight rope?"

Tippy Toes said he did not know, but Snubby Nose said he had walked a
tight rope off and on all his life!

Tippy Toes drew a little mirror out of his pocket and said,

"Who will walk the tight rope? Whom do you suppose?"

The mirror answered,

"Two cunning little Bunnies, Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes!"
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