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Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes by Laura Rountree Smith
page 65 of 80 (81%)


Bunny and Susan sat quietly by the cheerful fire warming their paws.

Bunny said, "My fur and whiskers, I hope Snubby Nose got home safely."

Susan said, "Bless my buttons, I was thinking of Tippy Toes this very
minute. Those two cunning little Bunnies are as much alike as two peas!
We could not tell them apart if Snubby Nose did not cry so much."

Bunny said, "I suppose we shall have no visitors for some time now."

"Don't be too sure of that," said a gruff old voice, "Here I am
standing now." There stood Grandpa Grumbles in the doorway. He had
never looked so happy in all his life. He struck the floor fiercely
with his green cotton umbrella and said,

"The Circus Cotton-Tails will come,
A-rat-a-tat, just hear the drum."

Bunny and Susan listened. Sure enough, they heard the "rat-a-tat," of a
drum. Soon they heard the Lion roar in his cage. They all went out as
fast as they could.

_There came the Circus Cotton-Tails on parade!_

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