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Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes by Laura Rountree Smith
page 66 of 80 (82%)
Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes danced in front beating a drum.

Bunny and Susan and Grandpa Grumbles cried, "Hurrah, hurrah, for the
Big Parade!"

Grandpa Grumbles waved his green cotton umbrella and shouted, "Have you
a merry-go-round?"

The Circus Cotton-Tails stood still. They cried "Hurrah, Bunny! Hurrah,
Susan! Of course we have a merry-go-round."

Then the real little Circus Parade stopped. The Circus Cotton-Tails
cried, "Hurry, hurry! Help us unpack."

They went to one of the wagons and began to unpack the merry-go-round.
Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes helped and Bunny and Susan helped too.
Grandpa Grumbles cried,

"One for the money, ten for the show,
Put up the tent, and away we go."

He forgot to grumble. He had never been so happy before in all big

It took the Circus Cotton-Tails and Bunny and Susan just exactly one
hour and sixteen minutes to put up the merry-go-round, and Grandpa
Grumbles bossed the job.

"Will it go?" asked Bunny and Susan under their breath.

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