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Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes by Laura Rountree Smith
page 67 of 80 (83%)
Grandpa Grumbles was the first to get in. He cried,

"I'm the first to get inside,
Come one and all and have a ride."

Susan said, "Oh, dear! I have lost my spectacles."

It took the Circus Cotton-Tails one hour and sixteen minutes to find
Susan's spectacles. There they were safe and sound upon her forehead
all the time! Then Bunny went in-doors and burned his paw again by
candle-light and it took one hour and sixteen minutes to get his paw

Grandpa Grumbles did not grumble a bit. He only sat patiently in the
merry-go-round and said to Susan,

"Now, the spectacles are found,
All jump in the merry-go-round."

Then he called good-naturedly to Bunny,

"If you'll use a lamp dear Bunny,
It will save you time and money."

Bunny and Susan got into the merry-go-round, and the Circus
Cotton-Tails got in too.

They were all ready for a ride when Grandpa Grumbles said,

"Some are absent, whom do you suppose?"
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