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Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes by Laura Rountree Smith
page 68 of 80 (85%)

The Circus Cotton-Tails shouted in one breath,

"_Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes!_"

Snubby Nose was so little he could not climb up into the merry-go-round
without help. He cried and he screamed and he howled! Tippy Toes was so
little he could not climb in either but he waited patiently below.

Grandpa Grumbles saw what was the matter. He lowered his green cotton
umbrella and helped Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes up into the merry-go-round.
Now they were ready to start. They all cried,

"Give three cheers, away we go,
The Circus Cotton-Tails, ho, ho!"

The merry-go-round would not start. They all got out to see what was
the matter.

_Then the most surprising thing happened!_

Doctor Cotton-Tail jumped out from under the merry-go-round and said,

"A-riding, too, I'd like to go,
Though I may take a nap or so."

Grandpa Grumbles said cheerfully,

"You'll take no nap when with us you go,
We may ride too fast, but never slow!"
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