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Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes by Laura Rountree Smith
page 70 of 80 (87%)
"The evenings are growing cold," said Bunny Cotton-Tail. "It feels like
snow to-night."

"Oh, joy!" cried Bunny Boy, "how I do love snow!" Then he began to jump
around the room so fast that Susan was afraid he would upset the table.

"I am going to play that the sofa is a hill, and slide down!" he cried.

Then Susan said if Bunny Boy did not sit down in his little red rocking
chair and be good, she would put him in a bag!

So Bunny Boy sat down, but he began to cry. There is no telling what
would have happened just then if a soft "tap, tap," had not been heard
on the window.

Susan looked out. There stood Bushy Tail with his traveling bag in his

Susan was a little afraid to let him in, but there was nothing else to
do, so she opened the door, and whisk! bound! Bushy Tail was in,
hugging Bunny Cotton-Tail!

"Who is the youngster!" asked Bushy Tail, pointing to Bunny Boy.

Then Bunny Boy made himself as small as possible. He did not care for
Bushy Tail.

Bushy Tail said he must tell about his trip. Besides, he had something
for Bunny and Susan in his bag.

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