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Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes by Laura Rountree Smith
page 71 of 80 (88%)
It had begun to snow, and Bushy Tail was very wet. He stood by the fire
and warmed his paws. Susan whispered to Bunny that she had never seen
so handsome a fox in her life.

All the time Bushy Tail had a cunning look in his eyes. After his fur
was dry, and he had had a bowl of soup, he opened his bag, and my! what
fine things he took out!

There was dried fruit for Susan. There was fresh cabbage for Bunny. And
there were oranges, and peaches, and pears! They had a fine feast, but
the greatest fun of all was just before they went to bed, when Bushy
Tail took from his bag a little telephone. He hung it on the wall and
fooled the rabbits with it for nearly an hour.

It had a little bell and a receiver, and one could call "hello" into

Perhaps Bunny and Susan would never have known the joke about the
telephone if it had not been for Bunny Boy. Bunny Boy crept out from
under the sofa, where he had been hiding, and climbed up in a chair and
pulled the receiver hard. Then, bang! the top of the telephone came
off, and showed that it was only a candy box!

Bushy Tail did not like this, but Bunny Cotton-Tail said he would
rather have it a candy-box, after all, as he was a little afraid of

Then they shook one another's paws, and went to bed.

Bushy Tail slept on a sofa in the parlor. About eleven o'clock he got
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