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Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes by Laura Rountree Smith
page 72 of 80 (90%)
up and began, to stir around. There was the same cunning look in his

First he went and looked at Susan Cotton-Tail, and thought, "I have
half a mind to eat you up." Then he went and looked at Bunny Cotton-Tail
and thought, "I have half a mind to eat you up." Then he saw Bunny
Boy out in the kitchen, wide awake, eating mince pie! Bushy said, "I
have you, and I will eat you up!"

But Bunny Boy was too quick for him. He ran down the stairs, into the
cellar, and had hopped through the cellar window in less than no time.

Then Bushy Tail took a mince pie and put it in his right-hand coat
pocket. He took a currant pie and put it in his left-hand coat pocket.
He hid an apple pie in his hat, and he went slyly out of the door with
a piece of blueberry pie in his mouth!

Next morning, when Bunny and Susan awoke, they saw that their pies were
gone, and they saw that Bushy Tail and Bunny Boy were gone too!

Susan Cotton-Tail cried, and Bunny Cotton-Tail whistled.


Why do you suppose Susan Cotton-Tail had made so many pies? There was
going to be a fair, and Susan had been asked to make pies for it. All
the animals were going to the fair.
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