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Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes by Laura Rountree Smith
page 73 of 80 (91%)

"We cannot go when we have no pies to sell," said Susan.

"All the animals will come to find out why we are not there," said

Now Bunny Cotton-Tail was a very clever rabbit, even though he was
getting old. He put on his overcoat and took a card and a hammer, and
went out.

He was out a long time, tacking something up on the front door.

When he had finished, he asked Susan to come out and get a breath of

They walked up and down in front of the house. Then Susan began to
laugh, and then she began to sneeze, and then she laughed and sneezed
together, and what do you suppose was the matter?

Bunny Cotton-Tail had put up this sign on the house,


"Well," said Bunny, "if you don't want to go anywhere or have any one
come to see you, just put up a sign like that, and see how well it will

Bunny and Susan went back into the house and peeped out their front
window to see how the animals would act when they saw the sign.

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