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Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes by Laura Rountree Smith
page 74 of 80 (92%)
First came Bushy Tail, big as life, trotting along. When he saw the
sign he waved his beautiful tail in the air and ran down the road as
fast as his legs could carry him!

Next came Mr. Owl. He read the sign aloud, and flew away.

So all day long, animals came to ask why Bunny and Susan did not come
to the fair, and all were frightened and ran away.

Early in the evening old Grizzly came. He had followed Bushy Tail from

"What a beautiful bear!" said Susan.

"He looks kind," said Bunny.

Old Grizzly read the sign. He did not pass by as the other animals had
done. He went straight up to the front door and knocked.

"Perhaps he can't read," said Bunny, so he shouted, "Scarlet Fever

Old Grizzly nodded his head. He said he had had scarlet fever three
times, and he was not afraid to have it again.

So they opened the door and let old Grizzly in. Then they all had a
jolly time, and Bunny told why he put up the sign on the house.

"You may have a new kind of scarlet fever," said Old Grizzly, "maybe I
shall catch it!" and they all laughed.
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