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Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes by Laura Rountree Smith
page 75 of 80 (93%)

Old Grizzly had been in a circus, and had traveled in the East and in
the West. He could tell lovely stories, so he stayed a long time and
told stories, and Susan Cotton-Tail went out in the kitchen and came
back with a mince pie in each hand. (These pies had been hidden away in
a tin.)

They all enjoyed the pies, and then Bunny asked old Grizzly to spend
the night with them. Old Grizzly said, "No, thank you." The house next
door was vacant and he was going to live there.

Susan held the candle at the door and old Grizzly went to his new home.

"I like him, but I am glad he went out for the night," said Bunny.
"Just think!" Susan said, "he has promised to come in every night and
tell us a story!"


When old Grizzly came next evening he had a book tucked under his arm.

"What have you there?" asked Bunny and Susan together.

It was some time before old Grizzly would tell. Then he coughed and
said he had one story that every one liked so well that he had written
it down, and drawn pictures for it.

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