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Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes by Laura Rountree Smith
page 76 of 80 (95%)
The two rabbits begged so hard to see the pictures that old Grizzly
opened the book and showed them all the pictures before he began to
read. And this is the story he read:

Once there was a gentleman who wrote stories. He had a fine large cat
called Whiskers.

One day Whiskers thought he would see the man write his story, so he
sat up on the desk beside him.

The man started to write a story about an elephant. It was to be a long
story with big words in it.

Whiskers wanted to be petted just then, and as the man did not notice
him, he gave the pen a little slap, and it made a funny mark down the

"Never mind," said the man, "that will do for the path along which the
elephant walked."

The man's pen was a lovely thing to play with, but Whiskers had a nicer
plaything himself. He began to go round and round after his own tail.
Round and round he went, until he upset the ink. Then he was so scared
that he ran and hid.

The man only laughed, and said he would draw funny little figures where
the blots of ink were.

He called Whiskers back and went on with his story. He was just
wondering how he would draw the seats inside the circus tent, when
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