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Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes by Laura Rountree Smith
page 77 of 80 (96%)
Whiskers put his paw down on the wet page, and the man said:

"Why, Whiskers, you certainly are an artist."

Then he began to wonder how he could show what a big space the elephant
covered when he walked, and just then the cat walked over the paper, to
show him!

The man was so pleased then, that he laid down his pen and gave
Whiskers a big hug.

"Pooh!" said Whiskers, "that was nothing. I could write a better story
than you can, any day!"

You see, Whiskers was not a polite cat.

"Did Whiskers write the story?" asked Bunny.

Susan winked at Bunny and said:

"Old Grizzly, that is the best story of all, and I believe you made it
up yourself!"

Then old Grizzly blushed under the fur on his cheeks, and Bunny ran and
got a big bouquet and stuck it in his paw!

Old Grizzly went home feeling very happy indeed.

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