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Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes by Laura Rountree Smith
page 78 of 80 (97%)

The next evening Susan begged old Grizzly to tell her another story
about Whiskers. Grizzly said he knew one, but he kept it in the back of
his head and he could not find it. So he told them the story of Carlo,

Carlo was a fine dog. He had but one fault. He liked to suck eggs.

Day after day the cook went out into the hen-house to get eggs, and day
after day there were no eggs to be found.

At first she thought it must be a rat that stole her eggs, and she set
a trap. A clever old rat came and ate the cheese, but he never got

One day the cook saw Carlo sucking an egg. Whisk! she was after him
with a broom, and gave him a sound beating! But this did not cure Carlo
of his bad habit. He went into the hen-house and stole eggs whenever he

The cook said she was not going to allow this, so one day she called
the dog to her in a most friendly way, and held out half an egg in her

Carlo thought that the cook had made up her mind to let him eat all the
eggs he wanted, so he took the egg in his mouth, and swallowed it

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