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Joe Wilson and His Mates by Henry Lawson
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that was too heavy for horses. `Store' may refer to those cattle,
and their descendants, brought to Australia by the British government,
and sold to settlers from the `Store' -- hence, the standard draft animal.

Also: a hint with the seasons -- remember that the seasons are reversed
from those in the northern hemisphere, hence June may be hot,
but December is even hotter. Australia is at a lower latitude
than the United States, so the winters are not harsh by US standards,
and are not even mild in the north. In fact, large parts of Australia
are governed more by "dry" versus "wet" than by Spring-Summer-Fall-Winter.

-- A. L.

Joe Wilson and his mates


By Henry Lawson

Author of "While the Billy Boils", "On the Track and Over the Sliprails",
"When the World was Wide, and other verses", "Verses, Popular and Humorous",
"Children of the Bush", "When I was King, and other verses", etc.
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