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For Luncheon and Supper Guests by Alice Bradley
page 18 of 93 (19%)
4 grapefruit. Insert two toothpicks opposite each other on each half.
From one-half inch on each side of toothpick cut through the skin
around the grapefruit one-fourth inch from the top of each half,
leaving skin whole where toothpicks are inserted.

Loosen pulp and remove and discard seeds, membrane and toothpicks. Sprinkle
pulp of each half with
1 cream peppermint, broken in pieces, and chill. Bring the two strips of
skin together above the grapefruit and tie together with
Narrow ribbon, for the handle. Insert in the knot a sprig of
Flowers, berries or mint, and place on doily on individual serving plates.



3 eggs until light, add
3/4 pound soft cheese grated or put through food chopper
1 1/2 teaspoons table sauce
3/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon paprika
Few grains cayenne. Mix well and spread on
8 slices bread cut one-third inch thick. Cut
3/4 pound bacon in very thin slices the length of the slice of bread.
Make bacon still thinner by pressing each strip on a board with a broad
knife. Cover cheese with bacon and bake 8 or 10 minutes under gas flame,
or in hot oven.
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