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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 153, September 12, 1917 by Various
page 28 of 54 (51%)
To say we weren't unravelling their own,
And marked it _urgent_, and designed
That it should reach them while they dined.
All night they toiled, till half the crowd were crazy
And bade us breathe its burthen o'er the 'phone.
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But now they want it back--_and it is missing!_
And shall one patriot heart withhold a throb?
For four high officers have been here, hissing,
And plainly panicky about their job.
I know they think some dark, deluded bandit
Has gone and given it to KAISER BILL.
But though I'm grieved the General's cross,
I have no qualms about the loss--
If clever men like us can't understand it,
I don't suppose the Wilhelmstrasse will!

A. P. H.

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"I, J.A.H. De la Bere, of Woolsevy Rectory, Morchard Bishop,
Devon, desire to Alter my Surname to De la Fontaine."--_Times._

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