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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 153, September 12, 1917 by Various
page 29 of 54 (53%)
"end August in Swiss family (2 persons) living in villa near


"able to saw, iron attend at table and take entire care of
healthy baby 19 months old Good English accent serious
references." _La Tribune de Lausanne._

We are glad to hear that the baby has a good English accent; he will be
able to employ it with effect when the Nursery's Maid begins to saw and
iron him.

* * * * *

"In the cases in which the surgeon his obliged to vast empty a
bone so that offers then itself difficulties therapeuticals not
little because of pus and consequenty becauses of impossibility
of transplantations, plastics, plombages ecc., the A. propose to
go on the bone with specials inesions, not on the surface when
the bone is most superficial, but from the surface in which are
aboundings and easily cessible wet tissue, removing the margin
of the bone's cavity and mathing in mode as, by cause of
repaidis process, this tissue by hemselves adhere to a ground of
cavity and full it."--_La Clinica Chirurgica._

That makes it perfectly clear.

* * * * *

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