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The Healthy Life Cook Book, 2d ed. by Florence Daniel
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of vegetarian cookery books. It is not addressed to the professional cook,
but to those who find themselves, as I did, confronted with the necessity
of manufacturing economical vegetarian dishes without any previous
experience of cooking. An experienced cook will doubtless find many of the
detailed instructions superfluous.

The original idea was to compile a cookery book for those vegetarians who
are non-users of milk and eggs. But as this would have curtailed the
book's usefulness, especially to vegetarian beginners, the project was
abandoned. At the same time, non-users of milk and eggs will find that
their interests have been especially considered in very many of the

All the recipes have been well tested. Many of them I evolved myself after
repeated experiments. Others I obtained from friends. But all of them are
used in my own little household. So that if any reader experiences
difficulty in obtaining the expected results, if she will write to me, at
3, Tudor Street, London, E.C., and enclose a stamped envelope for reply, I
shall be glad to give any assistance in my power.

I desire to record my gratitude here to the friends who have sent me
recipes; to the graduate of the Victoria School of Cookery, who assisted
me with much good advice; to Cassell's large Dictionary of Cookery, from
which I gathered many useful hints; to the _Herald of Health_, which first
published recipes for the Agar-agar Jellies and Wallace Cheese; and to E.
and B. May's Cookery Book, from whence emanates the idea of jam without
sugar. Lastly, I would thank Mrs. Hume, of "Loughtonhurst," Bournemouth,
with whom I have spent several pleasant holidays, and who kindly placed
her menus at my disposal.

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