Greek in a Nutshell by James Strong
page 31 of 61 (50%)
page 31 of 61 (50%)
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Ïὸ25 ΦῶÏ26 Ïὸ25 á¼Î»Î·ÏινÏν,28 á½29 ÏÏÏίζει30 ÏάνÏα31 á¼Î½ÏÏÏÏον,32 the Light the true _one_, which lights every man, 10 á¼ÏÏÏμενον33 εἰÏ11 Ïὸν34 κÏÏμον.35 á¼Î½36 Ïá¿·37 κÏÏμῳ38 ἦv,23 coming into the world. In the world _he_ was, καὶ39 á½40 κÏÏμοÏ41 δι'20 αá½Ïοῦ21 á¼Î³ÎνεÏο,1 καὶ39 á½40 κÏÏμοÏ41 and the world through him was made, and the world 11 αá½Ïὸν42 οá½Îº22 á¼Î³Î½Ï.43 Îá¼°Ï11 Ïá½°44 ἴδια45 ἧλÏε,10 καὶ39 οἱ46 him not knew. To the own _things he_ came, and the ἴδιοι47 αá½Ïὸν42 οá½22 ÏαÏÎλαβαν.48 own _persons_ him not received. 1. á¼Î³ÎνεÏο--See lesson vii, No. 15. 2. á¼Î½ÏÏÏÏοÏ--See vii, 27; subj. of sentence. 3. á¼ÏεÏÏαλμÎνοÏ--part. from á¼ÏοÏÏÎλλÏ, lit., _I send away_; comp. of prep, á¼ÏÏ, _off_, and ÏÏÎλλÏ, _I send_; root ÏÏελ, vowel changed, § 63; aug. cuts off final ο of prep., § 61; no reduplication, § 60; perf. tense because aug. beyond indic., § 60; and no union-vowel, § 42; pass. part. ending μεν, (§ 55,) accent; Î¿Ï is nom. masc. sing., §§ 34, 30; agrees with á¼Î½ÏÏÏÏοÏ, § 73. 4. ÏαÏά--prep., lit., _near_; with gen., =_from near_. |