Greek in a Nutshell by James Strong
page 44 of 61 (72%)
page 44 of 61 (72%)
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in first η, § 61; indic., § 42; 3 sing., § 49.
LESSON X. EXERCISE ON OUR LORD'S PRAYER, (Matt, vi, 9-13; Luke xi, 2-4.) Îá½ÏÏÏ Î¿á½Î½ ÏÏοÏεÏÏεÏÏε1 á½Î¼Îµá¿ÏÎ (á½Ïαν ÏÏοÏεÏÏηÏÏε,2 Thus therefore pray YE: (Whenever ye pray, λÎγεÏεÎ3) ΠάÏεÏ4 ἡμῶν á½ á¼Î½ Ïοá¿Ï οá½Ïανοá¿Ï,5 á¼Î³Î¹Î±ÏÏήÏÏ6 Ïὸ say:) Father of us, the _one_ in the heavens, let be hallowed the á½Î½Î¿Î¼Î¬7 ÏÎ¿Ï , ÎλÏÎÏÏ8 ἡ βαÏιλεία9 Ïον, γενηÏήÏÏ10 Ïὸ name of thee; let come the kingdom of thee; let be done the ÏÎλημá¼11 ÏÎ¿Ï ÏÏ á¼Î½ οá½Ïανῷ12 καὶ á¼Ïὶ Ïá¿Ï γá¿Ï,13 Ïὸν á¼ÏÏον14 will of thee, as in heaven, also upon the earth; the bread ἡμῶν Ïὸν á¼ÏιοÏÏιον15 δὸÏ16 (δίδον17) ἡμá¿Î½ ÏήμεÏον,18 (Ïὸ19 of us, the needful, give (give) to us to-day; _as to_ the _time_ καÏá¾½20 ἡμÎÏαν,21) καὶ á¼ÏεÏ22 ἡμá¿Î½ Ïá½° á½ÏειλήμαÏα23 (Ïá½°Ï á¼Î¼Î±ÏÏίαÏ24) by day; and forgive to us the debts (the sins) ἡμῶν, á½¡Ï ÎºÎ±á½¶ ἡμεá¿Ï á¼Ïίεμεν25 Ïοá¿Ï á½ÏειλÎÏαιÏ26 ἡμῶν, (καὶ of us, as also we forgive to the debtors of us; (and _this do_, |