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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 156, February 26, 1919 by Various
page 4 of 64 (06%)
An evening paper suggests that the Albert Hall should be purchased by
the nation. We understand, however, that our contemporary has been
forestalled by a gentleman who has offered to take it on the condition
that a bathroom (h. and c.) is added.


A correspondent writes to a paper to ask if it is necessary to have a
licence to play the cornet in the streets. All that is necessary, we
understand, is a strong constitution and indomitable pluck.


We are asked to deny the foolish allegation that several M.P.s only
went into Parliament because they couldn't get sleeping accommodation


In connection with the rush for trains on the Underground, an official
is reported to have said that things would be much better if everybody
undertook not to travel during the busiest hours.


An American journal advertises a lighthouse for sale. It is said to
be just the thing for tall men in search of a seaside residence.


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