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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 156, February 26, 1919 by Various
page 5 of 64 (07%)
The policeman who told the Islington bus-driver to take off his
influenza mask is going on as well as can be expected.


Pwllheli Town Council is reported to have refused the offer of a
German gun as a trophy. The Council is apparently piqued because it
was not asked in the first instance whether it wanted a war at all.


All Metropolitan police swords have been called in. We decline to
credit the explanation that, in spite of constant practice, members
of the force, kept cutting their mouths.


French politicians are advocating the giving of an additional vote for
each child in the family. In France, it will be remembered, the clergy
are celibate.


"We are looking for the ideal omnibus," says an official of the
L.G.O.C. We had no idea that they had lost it. Meanwhile their other
omnibus continues to cause a good deal of excitement as it flashes


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