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Scott's Last Expedition Volume I by Robert Falcon Scott
page 18 of 632 (02%)
On the Summit of an Iceberg 290
Dr. Wilson and Pony 'Nobby' 292
Cherry-Garrard giving his Pony 'Michael' a roll in the Snow 292
Surveying Party's Tent after a Blizzard Facing p 294
(Photo by Lieut T Gran)
Dogs with Stores about to leave Hut Point 296
Dogs Galloping towards the Barrier 296
Meares and Demetri with their Dog-teams leaving Hut Point 296
Dr. Wilson 298
Preparing Sledges for Polar Journey 300
Day's Motor under Way 302
One of the Motor Sledges 302
Meares and Demetri at the Blubber Stove in the 'Discovery' Hut 305
The Motor Party 308
H. G. Ponting and one of his Cinematograph Cameras 311
Members of the Polar Party having a Meal in Camp 316
(Enlarged from a cinematograph film)
Members of the Polar Party getting into their Sleeping-bags 322
(Enlarged from a cinematograph film)
Ponies behind their Shelter in Camp on the Barrier 328
(Photo by Capt. R. F. Scott)
Ponies on the March 334
(Photo by F. Debenham)
Captain Scott wearing the Wallet in which he carried his Sledging
Journals 338
Pressure on the Beardmore below the Cloudmaker Mountain 340
(Photo by C. S. Wright)
Mount Kyffin 342
(Photo by Lieut. H. R. Bowers)
Camp under the Wild Range 345
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