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Scott's Last Expedition Volume I by Robert Falcon Scott
page 19 of 632 (03%)
(Photo by Capt. R. F. Scott)
Dr. Wilson Sketching on the Beardmore 348
(Photo by Capt. R. F. Scott)
Some Members of the Supporting Parties as they appeared on their
Return from the Polar Journey 350
Camp at Three Degree Depot 352
(Photo by Lieut. H. R. Bowers)
Chief Stoker Lashly 355
Petty Officer Crean 355
Pitching the Double Tent on the Summit 358
(Photo by Lieut H R Bowers)
The Polar Party on the Trail 360
(Photo by Lieut. H. R. Bowers)
At the South Pole 374
(Photo by Lieut. H. R. Bowers)
Amundsen's Tent at the South Pole Facing p. 380
(Photo by Lieut. H. R. Bowers)
Sastrugi 382
The Cloudmaker Mountain 390
(Photo by Lieut. H. R. Bowers)
Petty Officer Edgar Evans, R.N. 392
Facsimile of the Last Words of the Journal 403
Facsimile of Message to the Public 414


British Antarctic Expedition, 1910-1913--Track Chart of Main Southern
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