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Scott's Last Expedition Volume I by Robert Falcon Scott
page 78 of 632 (12%)
call is for patience and again patience. Here at least we seem to
enjoy full security. The ice is so thin that it could not hurt by
pressure--there are no bergs within reasonable distance--indeed the
thinness of the ice is one of the most tantalising conditions. In
spite of the unpropitious prospect everyone on board is cheerful and
one foresees a merry dinner to-night.

The mess is gaily decorated with our various banners. There was full
attendance at the Service this morning and a lusty singing of hymns.

Should we now try to go east or west?

I have been trying to go west because the majority of tracks lie that
side and no one has encountered such hard conditions as ours--otherwise
there is nothing to point to this direction, and all through the last
week the prospect to the west has seemed less promising than in other
directions; in spite of orders to steer to the S.W. when possible it
has been impossible to push in that direction.

An event of Christmas was the production of a family by Crean's
rabbit. She gave birth to 17, it is said, and Crean has given away 22!

I don't know what will become of the parent or family; at present
they are warm and snug enough, tucked away in the fodder under the

_Midnight_.--To-night the air is thick with falling snow; the
temperature 28°. It is cold and slushy without.

A merry evening has just concluded. We had an excellent dinner: tomato
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