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The Illustrated London Reading Book by Various
page 10 of 485 (02%)
Winter Thoughts (THOMSON)
Writing, On Simplicity in (HUME)

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[Illustration: Letter N.]

Nothing could be more easy and agreeable than my condition when I was
first summoned to set out on the road to learning, and it was not
without letting fall a few ominous tears that I took the first step.
Several companions of my own age accompanied me in the outset, and we
travelled pleasantly together a good part of the way.

We had no sooner entered upon our path, than we were accosted by three
diminutive strangers. These we presently discovered to be the
advance-guard of a Lilliputian army, which was seen advancing towards us
in battle array. Their forms were singularly grotesque: some were
striding across the path, others standing with their arms a-kimbo; some
hanging down their heads, others quite erect; some standing on one leg,
others on two; and one, strange to say, on three; another had his arms
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