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The Illustrated London Reading Book by Various
page 9 of 485 (01%)
Sierra Nevada, Description of the (FREMONT'S TRAVEL)
Siloam, Account of the Pool of
Sleep, Henry IV.'s Soliloquy on (SHAKSPEARE)
Sloth, Description of the
Smyrna, Description of
Staffa, Description of (HIGHLAND NOTE-BOOK)
Stag, The hunted (SIR W. SCOTT)
Starling, Story of a (STERNE)
St. Bernard, Account of the Dogs of (THE MENAGERIES)
St. Cecilia, Ode to (DRYDEN)
Stepping-stones, The (WORDSWORTH)
Stony Cross, Description of
Stream, the Nameless (MACKAY)
Study, Remarks on (LORD BACON)
Sun Fish, Capture of a (CAPTAIN BEDFORD, R.N.)
Sydney, Generosity of Sir Philip (BEAUTIES of HISTORY)

Tabor, Description of Mount
Tapir, Description of the
Telegraph, Account of the Electric (SIR F. HEAD)
Time, What is it? (REV. J. MARSDEN)
Turkish Customs
Tyre, the Siege of (LANGHORNE'S PLUTARCH)

Una and the Lion (SPENSER)
Universe, Grandeur of the (ADDISON)


Waterloo, Description of the Field of
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