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The Illustrated London Reading Book by Various
page 8 of 485 (01%)

Olive, Description of the
Othello's History (SHAKESPEARE)
Owls, Account of
Owls, (Two) and the Sparrow (GAY)

Palm-Tree, Account of the
Palm-Tree, Lines on a (MRS. HEMANS)
Parrot, Lines on a (CAMPBELL)
Patmos, Description of the Isle of
Paul and Virginia, Supposed Tombs of
Pekin, Description of
Peter the Hermit Preaching the First Crusade (POPULAR DELUSIONS)
Poetry, Rise of, among the Romans (SPENCE)
Polar Regions, Description of the
Pompeii, Account of
Poor, The Afflicted (CRABBE)
Pyramid Lake, Account of the

Railway Tunnels, Difficulties of
Rainbow, Account of a Lunar
Rattlesnake, Account of the (F.T. BUCKLAND)
Rome, Lines on (ROGERS)
Rookery, Dialogue about a (EVENINGS AT HOME)

Sardis, Description of
Schoolboy's Pilgrimage (JANE TAYLOR)
Seasons (THOMSON)
Shakspeare, Remarks on
Sheep, Description of Thibetan
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