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The Illustrated London Reading Book by Various
page 7 of 485 (01%)
Jordan, Description of the River
Jordan's Banks (BYRON)
Juggernaut, Account of the Car of

Kaffir Chiefs, Account of
Kaffir Letter-carrier, Account of
Kangaroo, Description of the
Knowledge, on the Attainment of (DR. WATTS)

Leopard, Description of the Black
Lighthouse, Description of Hartlepool
Lilies (MRS. HEMANS)

Mangouste, Description of the
Mariana (TENNYSON)
Mariners of England (CAMPBELL)
Martello Towers, Account of
Mary's (Queen) Bower, at Chatsworth
Microscope, Revelations of the (DR. MANTELL)
Midnight Thoughts (YOUNG)
Mill-stream, Lines on a (MARY HOWITT)
Music, Remarks on (USHER)

Napoleon, Character of (GENERAL FOY)
Nature and its Lord
Nature, The Order of (POPE)
Naval Tactics
Nests of Birds, Construction of (STURM)
Niagara, Account of the Falls of (SIR JAMES ALEXANDER)
Nightingale and Glowworm (COWPER)
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