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The Illustrated London Reading Book by Various
page 6 of 485 (01%)
Fortitude (BLAIR)
Fox, Description of the Long-eared
Frederick of Prussia and his Page (BEAUTIES OF HISTORY)

Gambier Islanders, Account of
Gelert (W. SPENCER)
Gentleness, Character of (BLAIR)
Goldsmith, Remarks on the Style of (CAMPBELL)
Goliah Aratoo, Description of the
Greece, Isles of (BYRON)
Greece, The Shores of (BYRON)
Gresham, Account of Sir Thomas
Grief, The First (MRS. HEMANS)
Grouse, Description of the

Hagar and Ishmael, Story of
Hampden, Account of John
Hercules, The Choice of (TATLER)
Holly Bough (MACKAY)

Iguana, Description of the
Industry, Value of (BLAIR)
Integrity (DR. DODD)
Ivy in the Dungeon (MACKAY)

"Jack The Giant Killer," Origin of (CARLYLE)
Jalapa, Description of
Jewels, Description of the Crown
Joppa, Account of
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