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The Illustrated London Reading Book by Various
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Bushmen, Account of the

Caesar, Character of Julius (MIDDLETON)
Canada, Intense Cold of (SIR F. HEAD)
Canary, Account of the
Charity (PRIOR)
Chatterton, Lines by
Cheerfulness, Description of (ADDISON)
China, Account of the Great Wall of
Christian Freedom (POLLOCK)
Clarendon, Account of Lord
Cobra di Capello, Description of the
Condors, Account of
Cruelty to Animals, Wickedness of (JENYNS)
Culloden Battle-field, Description of (HIGHLAND NOTE-BOOK)
Cyprus, Description of

Danish Encampment, Account of a
Deity, Omniscience of the (ADDISON)
Dogs, A Chapter on
Dove, Return of the (MACKAY)

Edward VI., Character of (BURNET)
Elegy in a Country Churchyard (GRAY)
Elizabeth (Queen), at Tilbury Fort (ENGLISH HISTORY)
Envy, Wickedness of (DR. JOHNSON)

Faith's Guiding Star (ELIZA COOK)
Farewell (BARTON)
Filial Love (DR. DODD)
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